Feng Shui Consultations Europe

Sallie Tsui Sien


Cantonese Chinese, born in Singapore in 1962. I had a successful career in marketing and public relations in hotels and business clubs both in Singapore and Hong Kong in the 80s. I met Ian, my husband, twelve years ago and left Hong Kong to live in the United Kingdom. I now live in Barcelona, Spain and own a Feng Shui consulting practice. I am fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin, English and I speak adequate Spanish.

My mother is a fervent Feng Shui Practitioner specialising in the Four Pillars (Ba Zi). She has been a Taoist all her life and gained her knowledge of Feng Shui through her own mother. I remember her always advising my sisters, brothers and myself on what we should do not only at important moments of our lives such as academic or career choices but also on issues like which room would be better and how it should be decorated when sharing an apartment.

It was in Hong Kong that I became fully aware of the practical importance of her teaching for it was here that I met two Feng Shui masters who were being consulted by the hotels where I worked. Through my involvement with these projects, I developed a fuller understanding of the application of Feng Shui principles particularly in a non-domestic context, which then led me to attend a Feng Shui course with one of the masters, Master Si Cheng Hua, over a period of one year.

This experience inspired me to intensify my studies of the theory and practise of Feng Shui, which I have continued diligently over the last thirteen years to the extent that it has now become a passion. As well as the training received from my mother and Master Si plus the time spent on many Feng Shui courses and seminars, I have been trained to a Master Practitioner level by Lillian Too, the Feng Shui expert of Southeast Asia. I practise Feng Shui in everything the family does and, as a family, we all believe in its potency if observed and practised correctly.

For three years we have been living in the hills of Alt Penedes just 50km outside Barcelona. Feng Shui in Barcelona was relatively unknown until four years ago and it is only now that it is becoming more understood and accepted.

The Alt Penedes, which is famous for its superb wines and cava, is an area where working on and with the land has been and still is a way of life. Although possibly unaware of Feng Shui as a philosophy, through their closeness to the land, the local people are already practising Feng Shui on a very intuitive level.


My clients are both from private households and the commercial sector, offices and retail stores. I am also working with interior designers and architects on their projects. I consult on:

  1. All types of houses, flats, offices, shops and commercial buildings.
  2. Architectural floor plans for constructions and renovations.
  3. Interior designers’ proposals on furnishing and colouring as well as on materials used to ensure that they are in harmony with the type of business or the personal element of the individual.
  4. Assessment of the personal Four Pillars and the individual Chinese animal horoscope.

Feng Shui In Spain

With the support of Feng Shui Store UK, I hope to increase the understanding of Feng Shui in Europe, and more particularly in Spain, France, Italy and Holland. My philosophy is identical to Michael & Jo as I only want to provide traditional and authentic Feng Shui and not just a quick fix pop Feng Shui that many inexperienced Practitioners use.

Types of Consultations

An authentic Feng Shui analysis should be completed with an on-site investigation of the property on:

  • Its form and shape.The shape of the house is of the highest importance. If the shape is unfavourable (irregular shape or with missing corners), the house will be hard to live in. Remedies have to be implemented.
  • The landscape,the surrounding buildings, roads and structures have an enormous influence on the energy of the property. Be mindful that the effect of the external environment can greatly affect the energies of the interior, in that it carries the energy of nature. If the surrounding environment is untenable it can turn a good combination of energy inside a property into a pernicious one.

I understand why there is a high demand for “on-line” consultations. One can achieve a complete analysis provided that complete information being data, photos and descriptions are available for the analysis. The quality and accuracy of the analysis depends greatly on the amount of information that is made available. The more information we have, the more we can tell you. For more information on our on-line consultations please click here.

What is Feng Shui?

According to Chinese tradition, a long time ago men dwelt in harmony with the laws of nature. Intercourse between heaven and earth was close. The underlying principle of Feng Shui is to live in harmony with the environment so that the energy surrounding us works for us rather than against us.

In the West, Feng Shui is viewed sceptically by the analytical minded. It is hard to view Feng Shui as a science as its principles cannot yet be proven by any scientific method.

Please note that, for the ancient Chinese, Feng Shui was only one part of the overall philosophy of life. The philosophy of a person’s success is based on a combination of the five areas of influence:

  • The energy of the cosmos, which cannot be easily changed.
  • The “luck” of an individual which fluctuates through life.
  • Feng Shui, the art of arranging the physical environment to harmonise with nature.
  • Virtues such as kindness, integrity, generosity and compassion.
  • Education, which includes good upbringing, useful experiences and beneficial influences.

Is Feng Shui merely a philosophy?

It is not just a philosophy as it encompasses many practical tools and techniques.

Is it a religion?

Some practitioners consider it part of their religious ritual. Please remember that, traditionally, rituals were performed to avoid calamities and to expel evil in order to ensure a good life, but it has no connection to religion today.

When practised correctly, Feng Shui will:

  • Overcome
    difficulties experienced during times of inauspicious fluctuation of cosmic energy.
  • Enhance
    your earth energy.
  • Create harmonious relationships among family members.
  • Foster good health.
  • Attract abundance and prosperity. In this, I mean it will enhance your feeling of well-being and you will instinctively spend more time on tasks and thoughts that will bring you happiness and better fortune.
  • Enhance academic success in areas of focus and concentration.
  • Softenpredicaments caused by unfavourable “luck” periods.
    • Increase the feeling of rightness with the world.
    • Replace dissatisfaction with contentment.

What is this energy that encompasses Feng Shui?

Ancient Indian spiritual tradition speaks of a universal energy called Prana. This energy is seen as the basic constituent and source of all life – the breath of life.

The Chinese acknowledged the existence of a vital energy, which they called Ch’i. All matter, animate and inanimate, is composed of and pervaded with this energy. This Ch’i contains two polar forces, the yin and the yang. When the yin and yang are balanced, the living system exhibits physical health; when they are unbalanced, a diseased state results.

When we analyse the state of energy within a property, three major points are observed:

a) The flow of energy. The placement of furniture. Doorways and passages are not blocked etc…

b) The yin and yang aspect. By this we mean the balance of light and darkness in every room, and in corners and hallways.

c) The five elements. Also known as “Wu Hsing” in Chinese. This is the interplay of the five elements, Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal in the form of objects or colours, structures or features.

When we introduce energies into the property, six major types of energies are considered.

  • Growth – for the young
  • Ripening – for the adults
  • Improving – change for the better
  • Declining – energies that are going bad
  • Dead – stagnation
  • Killing – affliction

When practising Feng Shui, full concentration of the mind brings success. You must concentrate and pay attention to what you are doing but at the same time keep your mind open to what you instinctively feel.

Synopsis of what Feng Shui I practice.

  • Form School (The Landscape Formation)
  • Compass School
  • Ba Chai (Eight Mansion Theory)
  • Xuan Kong System (Time Dimension Flying Star)
  • Wu Hsing (The Five Phases)
  • Ba Zi (The Four Pillars of Destiny)
  • San He
  • Chinese Astrology
  • Space Clearing

What does a Feng Shui analysis consist of?


A Feng Shui on-site analysis is best done during the day between the hours of 11am and 1pm. when we can gauge the strength of yang energy in the property. Exact compass directions and measurements of the property should be taken in order to produce a scale floor plan. I also analyse the exterior surrounding environment and take note of the interior furnishing and design.

I speak to my clients to find out their birth dates, a history of the property and any particular objectives they hope to achieve from my analysis. It may be that it is a home and office and therefore the property has a dual function. I would need to know the type of business so that I may introduce elements, which are compatible with their profession.

Once the floor plan is done, we are then able to determine correctly the main element of each sector of the property based on the Eight Mansions formula. We can then allocate appropriate rooms for the individual members of the family and consider the favourable directions to face for sleep and work which will give support.


Sample floor plan and Flying Star chart.

With the same floor plan, we can also determine whether the individual astrological zone, based on San He theory, is afflicted by a bathroom or a kitchen.

W e will further superimpose a Xuan Kong chart (this being the time dimension of Feng Shui where the significance of changing forces during different periods is taken into account) on the floor plan. The imposition of such a house natal chart based on the construction or latest major renovation completion date enables me to interpret the interaction of the different elements of the sectors.

The interpretation of the combinations of elements and its energy also includes the annual chart, which is fairly technical as are several aspects of Feng Shui.

It is always easier to work with a property when it is in its architectural or designer’s proposal stage where we make sure walls, doors and windows are placed correctly. However, do not fret, it is very unusual that we recommend knocking down walls. The Feng Shui of a house can change tremendously with very little and subtle changes.

Feng Shui to me is not just faith. It is a fact of life. Although Feng Shui developed during vastly different times, it does have a direct relevance to the modern world.

If you would like details and cost of a consultation in Spain, France, Italy or Holland please fill in the details below or if you would like details on a UK consultation please visit this page

If you would like to contact me please click on this link. info@fengshuiweb.co.uk